
Laws, Searching, Reunion

State and Federal Laws Related to Adoption
Department of Health and Human Services, Child Welfare Information Gateway
Laws Related to Adoption and State Statute Search.

State laws regarding consent to adoption:
Department of Health and Human Services, Child Welfare Information Gateway

Oregon's Access to Court Records Law
Adoptees over 18 may inspect and copy their adoption court records except the home study just by asking for them at the clerk's office in the courthouse in the county their adoption took place.

First mothers and fathers who consented to the adoption may inspect and copy some of the records with an order from a judge. The judge must allow access unless the judge finds a good reason not to grant access which is not likely.

For instructions and forms: Oregon Judicial Department

Law allowing all adoptees access to their original birth certificate goes into effect July 1, 2021.

Natural parents, adoptees, and adoptive parents  can get their child's entire court file including after the original birth certificate adoptees turns 18. For forms and information about this law, see Adoption Circle of Hawai'i.

For States Allowing Adoptees Access to Original Birth Certificates

Finding Legal Help
American Bar Association

Searching for a Loved One Lost to Adoption
Department of Health and Human Services, Child Welfare Information Gateway

American Adoption Congress

Bastard Nation

International Soundex Reunion Registry -- Free registry which connects people when a match is found.

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